Thursday, June 25, 2009

New Father in the Family....?

We have another addition to our traditional Fathers Day photo. Far right, niece and God daughter Candice's Aussie husband Scott.
Candice and Scott are the main characters in a fairty tale-come-true that saw the pair meet during a Continki Tour vacation just over two years ago...atop the Eiffel Tower in Paris. It was Down Unda meets Up Ova and the rest they history.

First came love, then came marriage..then came baby in the ... doggie handbag!?
Scott and Candice are now a threesome with the arrival of Scarlet the Morky. Morky is part Maltese and part Yorshire or Yorkie.

I don't know which was the bigger occasion..Fathers Day or Scarlet's coming out! Everyone was following her journey of discovery in my sister and brother-in-law's rambling backyard, a.k.a. "jungle" for something that weighs just over one pound.

A highlight of the day, other than opening those Fathers Day presents was "the meeting". There were discussions, deliberations and both sides of the argument expressed their concerns, all well-founded, but in the end it was the inevitable that resolved the debate. Zoe, the 5-year-old original dog of the house simply must have a close-up and personal encounter with Scarlet.

Now Zoe is a pure Maltese, still small by most standards and very freindly and loveable. BUT to Scarlet, she is a looming giant of a creature. One friendly slap of the paw could....well none of us could even contemplate the possible and quite likely horrific outcome.
But as canine members of the same family, keeping them apart was simply unreasonable and unfair...maybe, just maybe they'd really like each other and Zoe would learn to be gentle.

And so it came to pass. The first nose-to-nose, the first sniff, the first playful crouch and spring and then...they were OFF.. Zoe nose to tail, chasing the little Morky through the hosta and day lily jungle...legions of cameras in tow.
Emerging from one thicket, a reverse play! It's that little Morky Scarlet now chasing the giant Zoe, sprinting and lunging every few seconds to nip at her tail. The final play of the game sees Scarlet hiding under the BBQ cover and staging surprise attacks on the now outsmarted and outwitted Zoe. Time out.....two dogs napping...mission accomplished with peace of earth....back to Fathers Day!

Happy Fathers Day Daddy, Dave, Randy, Stew and...Scott. A little taste of what's to come should a two-legged baby launch a brand new generation...but no pressure Candice and Scott...whever you're ready, we'll be ready!

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