I'm putting the good china away today. I use it more often now because there are so many good things to celebrate .
My whole family was together this Mother's Day, my turn to host the family ``dinner``. (above photo shows left to right sisters Barbi and Claudia, Mom, Audrey and me).
My two sisters and I rotate those now which is great when it`s at my two sisters. They are pretty good in the kitchen. When it`s my turn, I am pretty good because I know they are there along with my wonderfully patient husband Dave who all tie up my loose ends. I blame years of never having time and I blame my nature to talk a lot. So while my culinary organizing skills leave a little to be desired, I`m pretty good at the actual entertaining part.
My Mom has always been my biggest fan: laughing at all my silly faces, jokes and antics . She went to all my speeches and plays as a kid and with my Dad, has kept every newspaper article that ever mentioned by name. (see former blog: Lunch with Mom and Dad. Dad, your article is coming soon...)
My best Mothers Day gift (aside from my new little pink camera from Dave) was a picture of the Eiffel Tower from my son Cal. For years, step-dad Dave would go shopping with him, pick out a card, gift etc. But when a teenaged boy does it by himself, that is a gift! And a meaningful one: our last family vacation. It is now hanging in our front hall.
It was a good time to use the good china. Incidentally the meal was superb! Thanks to all!
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