I never thought I'd be looking for a new job at this time in my life. I'm sure most people in my position (and more and more of them these day) would think the same thing.
But here I am, a 50-something "new kid" with all the excitement, angst and yes scrutiny that comes with that.
I'm still allowed to be ignorant of the company ways, including the ways around the building! However, my brain is being put to the test as is recommended to keep middle-aged grey matter from turning into mush.
It's been an intense month since I started with CTS Television and began the job of building a TV program from scratch. I couldn't have done it without:
1. My husband Dave who also designed the set (it's beautiful...stay tuned for photos) and is the show's director. It's wonderful to work with him again.
2. The incredible managers and executives at CTS Television who walk the talk of "Television you can believe in." Rob Sheppard and Terry Maskell, have been there for me every step of the way, addressing every worry and concern.
3. The producer/correspondents, and crew who believe in "Always Good News" as much as Dave and I do and have probably never worked so hard to prove it.
Now the final test goes to you. The viewers. Many of you have followed my career since I was a young, green reporter who hadn't quite found her voice yet.
You stuck with me through my many beats and anchor jobs that date back to CKVR-TV in Barrie and on through more than 3 decades of often tumultuous times at CHCH-TV.
You supported me when my days ended at CHCH after 32 years: hugs and words of encouragement in shopping malls, grocery stores..everywhere.
You congratulated me on the news of the next phase of my working life.
Some of my friends and colleagues suggest "Always good News" is my calling.
There have been sleepless nights of late as I wonder if that is really true and if can I measure up to expectations.
How strange that 35 years ago, I began my broadcasting career as a "Good News" reporter as CFRB Radio in Toronto.
Tomorrow (Monday Sept. 14th, 2009) on CTS TV at 5:30 pm, I return to that theme ( I guess we need good news more than ever, especially me!) with a new program and a new chapter in a number of careers.
"Always Good News" is all about ordinary people who are doing extraordinary things, leaders in our community who are giving back to society and a means for viewers to share their good news.
My former CHCH colleague, Randy Steele, who lost his battle with throat cancer this past spring, would have turned 48 years old today. Randy always believed that if you change the way you look at things, things change.
I will be dedicating Always Good News, show #1 to Randy because I believe that. There is good news all around us; it's all the way you look at things.
I hope you'll take a look with me and be part of a good thing! Weekdays at 5:30.
Now...a good night's sleep....
The past six weeks have s